
rogermija avatar image
rogermija asked

MP2 off switch

I want to run from battery as much as possible and switch to ac only for AC/microwave/electric hot water, etc. I currently have a Xantrex 1000 which has a remote panel from which I can turn the inverter on/off. I am installing a MP2 3000 and wish to know how I turn the MP2 on/off from a remote location to minimize parasitic current draw. I have Cerbo and touch display. Thank you.

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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Rogermija,

provided you have no VE.Bus BMS, you can switch the Inverter On/Off from your touch display.

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tom4x avatar image
tom4x answered ·

If I understand you correctly you could also add a simple switch on the ACin-side of the MultiPlus II, switching it only on when you want it. Or use a relay-switch with the same purpose.

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