
iain-lewis avatar image
iain-lewis asked

Backsheet Failure

Hopefully someone here will be able to help me with a problem with one of my 6 month old solar panels.

I have been investigating a drop in power from my solar array (2 215W victron solar panels) and have discovered, due to a victron manufacturing fault, that the backsheet does not extend under the juction box. This has led to corrosion on the exposed metal conductor and therefore a break in the circuit between the junction box and the cells. For clarity at the bottom of this post is a picture.

So a couple of questions;

  • Is it possible to 'peel' away some of the backsheet so that I can temporarily create a connection?
  • Should this be a warranty claim against victron?

Any help or thoughts would be very much appreciated.


Solar Panel
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If it is a manufacturing issue you should contact the seller from whom you bought it to get a replacement.

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iain-lewis avatar image iain-lewis commented ·
Many thanks. Fingers crossed Victron support is as good as it’s products.
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