
simonnhardy avatar image
simonnhardy asked

Generator start with Quattro or Cerbo GX

38935800-ecf7-4055-8779-aa952b0b0624.jpegWe need a momentary relay to start or generator, a Dolphin M6 same as Paguro 6000, we then need a normaly closed relay to open to stop the generator. It would also be nice to have a timed preheat that needs the start connection to close with the stop connection closing a connection aswell. Will Quattro or Cerbo GX provide these options or should we change the control panel for the generator for one that has a remote start option that just needs a normally open relay to close to start and open to stop.

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The simple open or closed it the easiest to set up. And you can set up a delay on the AC2 to connect using the assistant for the programmable relay and specifying a time there. Discussed in this thread.

The manual automatic generator start stop for that is here.

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simonnhardy avatar image simonnhardy commented ·
Hello, I don’t see how I can make this make a connection to run the starter motor but break that connection once the generator is running ?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ simonnhardy commented ·

So you are looking for something that does the equivalent of turning a key for ignution? And pushing a button for cranking?

Your generator needs to support remote or auto start/stop with relay signalling.

The way your post describes what you are looking for you were wanting signals.

All the relays in the quatrro and cerbo can do is signals. And they all are NO/NC depending on connection and programming.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I have found that its best to used a dedicated unit for autostart thats connected to the cerbo

These are easy to setup and they are around 40.00 to 80.00 usd

great as its got inbuilt start and stop timers and will autorestart on a start failure if you want


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simonnhardy avatar image simonnhardy commented ·

Hello. Thanks for your answer. I had looked at a more expensive unit from the UK prior to getting your answer,

but the MEBAY unit is less expensive and I like a recommend.

do you know how the preheat option works as I can’t see a manual online.


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airstream-installer avatar image
airstream-installer answered ·

I’m using an Atkinson Electronics GSCM mini to start and stop my Onan 2500I with the Cerbo Relay #1 and the Touch 50 Generator Start control. 05739822-4402-44e8-b89b-5e58cf2dcbda.jpeg7d329074-eb79-4bb4-8451-e881155ee2cd.jpeg

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edsey avatar image edsey commented ·
That looks awesome. I need to do the same thing in my application. Do you have any advice for a novice like me before I get started? Thanks in advance!


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mahmoud-ahmed-nossier avatar image mahmoud-ahmed-nossier commented ·
Can Please Provide Wiring Diagram ?
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