
airstream-installer avatar image
airstream-installer asked

Generator input power display?

I have a quick tech question that I can’t find a reliable answer for.

MultiPlus II 120 x2
CerboGX and Touch 50
Atkinson Electronics GCSM mini
Onan 2500i LP onboard genset installed using AirKrafters JenRAK system

Long story short… Large Victron install in my rolling display Airstream 50A unit with NEW MultiPlus II 120x2, 1kW of roof top solar 800Ah of lithium and now an onboard Onan generator.

I’m using the Generator start relay from the Cerbo and the Touch 50 to activate the Atkinson GSCM (Generator Start Control Module) and start the Generator. Shore power and Generator power feed into a Progressive Industries transfer switch. Power comes out of the transfer switch to the MultiPlus.

All this works perfectly!

Question is….. Can I get the Generator input power to show up on the Touch 50 display? Also can I get it to show up as Generator on the main screen vs grid.
I know the MultiPlus only has one AC input but my transfer switch prioritizes the Generator when it is running.
Seems like since the CerboGX “knows” the generator is running it would “know that the Generator was supplying the AC input.

Any input you have is always greatly appreciated.
We will be installing these systems on customer units regularly and I just want to make sure we are integrating the best we can.
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The trouble is the GX software doesn't know the generator is feeding the Multi. Quatro's have two AC inputs one for grid and one for generator, but not the Multis.

One of the digital input functions is to tell the GX software if the generator is running but this only changes what notifications are displayed. I have an enhancement that displays the state of the "generator is running" input on the generator overview page and couples it to the generator manual start. However, a lot more work would be needed to make the necessary shift in AC input switching logic.

The GX software would need to be changed to allow for two virtual AC inputs for a Multi and an external transfer switch, then use the "generator is running" digital input to switch to the generator virtual input. This very issue comes up a lot on the forum.

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