
jacoballen18 avatar image
jacoballen18 asked

When inverters are in parallel, can I use a generator to charge batteries?

7731f0b0-c290-4e1a-b362-383b3c7d78bb.jpegI have two Quattros 48/5000/70 that are joined in parallel, so that I can achieve 10,000 watts. However on overcast days, I need to use a generator in order to charge up my batteries. (I’ve done this several times with one Quattro in standalone mode and it worked great).

My issue now is that when I plug in the generator to the Master inverter, error code 19 comes up (Slave does not have AC input). As per the Victron website, I go into VE Bus System Configurator and attempt to uncheck the “Switch as Group” box and it isn’t there (see picture).

Is the box not there because I am running my inverters in parallel and not in series?


Does anyone else have a suggestion on how I can run a generator with the current setup?

Note: the current generator I am using is a Honda Harmony 2500, with 110v capabilities.

Edit: the red circle on the picture is where the Swith as Group box should be, and isn’t there. Why?

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Switch as a group is only available in multi phase configurations.
Why not wire the generator to input of both Quattros so that the other one will also have AC from the generator.

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jacoballen18 avatar image jacoballen18 commented ·
I suppose I could do that. However, I’m new to the solar game. And especially how to wire different configurations. What I know now has been much research, and banging my head on the computer until I reached the configuration desired. I’ve also had some smart people helping me along the way.

I just want to press the easy button, lol! But I’ll do a bit more research on how to wire one genny to two Quattros.

Thanks for your answer!

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