
trevor-longman avatar image
trevor-longman asked

System Went Dead Overnight Suddenly

I'm in the process of building out my van and just tackled the electrical system a few weeks ago. Everything but the DC/DC charger was hooked up and the system was working well until a few days ago when I noticed when the inverter was turned on the voltage would drop from 14v to 9.4v instantly. I brushed this off as something to address in the coming days as I wasn't actively relying on the outlets. Everything seems fine for a couple days, the voltage was still above 14v and SOC was 100%. With no loads on the system I thought I had no reason to be concerned about the battery health. That is, until the other morning when I came out to the van and the BMV display was dead and the system registered 1.07v on my multimeter. The battery logo on my Renogy 40A Rover MPPT was flashing and I had an excess battery discharge error. When I turned off the system with the cut out switch and tested the battery terminals directly, they only registered 9.4v. When I turned that the switch back on, that same terminal reading equalized to the rest of the system at 1.07v. Since the system is too dead for even the BMV to function, and the solar panels aren't charging the batteries, I don't know how to proceed with getting this back on its feet.

Another fact that may be helpful: 2 days before the power cut out, I changed a couple settings on the BMV as per Victron's recommendation. The peukert exponent was changed the 1.05 and the charge efficiency factor to 99%.

My system components are listed below:

4x 100ah SOK Batteries

4x 100w Renogy Solar Panels

40A Renogy MPPT Charge Controller

Victron BMV-712

Lynx Distributor

3000w Victron Multiplus

I'd really appreciate any help I can get on this issue. I'm a little lost and don't know where to begin. Thanks in advance!

battery system voltage
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Trevor Longman

Most likely issue here is the battery BMS have "gone to sleep". If you had no loads connected they are not likely discharged.

So follow the wake up procedure for the SOK batteries. I am assuming you have a 12v system? My little 12V lithium are woken up by a 12v charge source I have not SOk so for them i do not know what is recommended.

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trevor-longman avatar image trevor-longman commented ·
Thanks very much Alexandra. I'll give that a shot and report back. Finding the correct wake up procedure for this brand of batteries is proving difficult but I'll call and see if their customer service can help.
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trevor-longman avatar image trevor-longman commented ·

After doing some research I think I have the right tool to get my system restarted here. Does anyone know the procedure for waking up a whole battery bank? I have 4 100ah lifepo4 batteries connected in parallel. Do I need to disassemble it all and jump them individually or can I hook the jumper cables on while everything is still connected to wake the whole system at once? Obviously I want to avoid damaging the system or myself.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ trevor-longman commented ·
@Trevor Longman

The Multiplus should be able to wake the bank up if it is plugged into power.

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