
zimbonz avatar image
zimbonz asked

FLoat and Absorption LED's flashing simultaneously


I have a Quattro 5000, and I noticed recently occasionally I would see the Float and Absoption lights flash on the the digital multicontroller. Tonight they are flashing constantly.

For reference, this is at night, and I am not expecting any solar input. Any ideas on what this could mean?

Many Thanks,


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Download the app call victron toolkit and this will tell you what the flashing light sequences mean

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zimbonz avatar image
zimbonz answered ·

Thanks got it, looks like a temp sensor error. It appears that this is a recurring issue with a few multiplus units. I will continue looking into it, thanks for the heads up on the app.

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