
jugglebrother avatar image
jugglebrother asked

multiplus 24/1600 loud humming noise when charging

Dear all,

I have a multiplus compact 24/1600 installed in my rv. Whenever it starts charging there is a loud humming noise which you can hear throughout the rv. I read on the forum that a firmware update does the trick for this noise on the multiplus II. I bought a VE.busespecially to check this and I do run the latest version, but the noise continues.

Is there a known solution or is Victron adressing this issue?

The charging ability of the multiplus is, due to this noise, unusable.

I hope somebody or Victron can help me out.

Thanks in advance

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Maybe you also are having a resonance adding to the issue as well? my 12/1600 does hum but it is not obnoxious. How is it mounted?

If this is an option for you maybe drop the charge current.

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jugglebrother avatar image jugglebrother commented ·

Thanks for the reply Alexandra. I checked for resonance but this is not the case. There must be another cause. The problem seems the same as described here. Only do i have the most recent firmware already installed.

I hope somebody else can help out.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ jugglebrother commented ·
I have a 12-1600-70 inverter, and the fan noise is louder than the inverter hum.. whilst charging.

Plz confirm that your fan is running.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Please make sure you are on the latest Fw 494 as there was a fix for load humming 8n a reasant Fw verson

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harmvic avatar image harmvic commented ·
That is the same story as was told the previous update. That 494 didn't make any difference.

What did they change that they thought the humm was killed, compared with the 481?

besides: I don't like updates, normally you get more new shit than you had before.

And now it is stil humming. So the updates do not work!!!

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