
conceptura avatar image
conceptura asked

Load issue with Multiplus 12 3000 120

My Multiplus 12/3000/120 will not operate my 1000W toaster or a 3/400W vaccuum cleaner.. I have 8x12V lead acid sealed slow-discharge batteries connected in parallel offering a total of >700aH of energy. Current battery Voltage is 13.5+. I have tried by using the AC Output 1 which is connected to the main board of the house ans also with AC output 2 which is wired to a plug right next to the inverter. The toaster trips after about 5 seconds. The vacuum cleaner trips the inverter immediately. Both appliances work perfectly on the EDF network here in France. Can anyone suggest a cause for this? the vacuum cleaner used to work on a cheap chinese inverter running of just 3 of these 8 batteries. Thankyou.

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1 Answer
Tom avatar image
Tom answered ·

@conceptura - We had a similar issue initially and it was caused by not using the correct wire gauge/size. I believe that a Multiplus requires at least 70mm wire diameter/1-AWG, which is noted in the installation instructions.

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conceptura avatar image conceptura commented ·

Thank you very much Tom. I never suspected that this would be the problem as the cable for the kettle etc are standard domestic size. I suppose that this is because the supply voltage (220-240V) is 10 times higher than the supply voltage coming from the battery (12V) . Only manual it states that I can use 50mm if less than 5m between the batteries and the inverter which is the case for me.

Thanks again.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ conceptura commented ·

The gauge of wire is also depending on strand size as well. So just AWG size is not enough. More strands = better cable.

It is in the wiring unlimited book.

Nice observation @Tom

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