
tyronmarais avatar image
tyronmarais asked

Why does my mppt keep going into error #40

I have a 5 KVA multi with 2 mppt on it 1 can connected 150/85 and one be direct 150/70.the be direct keeps going into an error #40 we check the panels voltages all ok and battery.

Only one keeps going to error

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

That charger has become faulty. You should contact your dealer to arrange a replacement.

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tyronmarais avatar image tyronmarais commented ·
thanks for you answer, i gathered this but it is connected to cerbo and should automatically adjust this all. this is the second mppt that is doing it on this site

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seb71 avatar image seb71 tyronmarais commented ·
What is the string Voc at lowest temperature you have there?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ tyronmarais commented ·

The Mppt cannot short the panels to prevent charging. Either there is a fault with the mppt. Although not likely twice. Or the input current from the strings of panels is too high.

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tyronmarais avatar image tyronmarais Alexandra ♦ commented ·
hows it going , thanks foir the reply . the voltage is sitting at 90 from the panels.

they are in strings of 2 and there is 6 panels

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