
tahoeskibummin avatar image
tahoeskibummin asked

MPPT Install For Portable Panels Only Used Occationally

Hi... I'm planning to add some solar to our van that will only get used a handful of times a year. Typically we don't camp longer than our house battery allows, but we have a couple trips planned where solar would be preferred to keep things topped off and the fridge running. I'm planning to add a SmartSolar MPPT 75V/15A controller to an existing setup and have it basically idle most of it's life. I anticipiate that I'll get some useful data from the load side of things. Some questions:

* Does it matter if the solar panels are only occationally plugged in?
* When we're not using the van, it gets plugged into shore power and there is a trickle charger that maintains the house and primary battery. Will that confuse/affect the MPPT at all?
* Same question for the battery combiner that opens up when the van is running to charge both primary and house battery.

Here's what the current setup looks like:


And what I was thinking after adding the MPPT:


And concerns here?

Thanks in advance

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I don't see a problem with that, as long as your loads off the fuse block don't exceed 15A or have a high surge startup current or high inrush current as this can sometimes cause the Load Output's protection to trip.
The MPPT would not be confused by other charging sources.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

One caveat, disconnect the panels from the MPPT, not the MPPT from the battery with panels plugged in.

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tahoeskibummin avatar image
tahoeskibummin answered ·

Thank you for quick responses. Loads aren't expected to reach more than 5-6A, so should be good. And yes, the MPPT will always be connected to the battery. Only the panels will come and go as needed.

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