
jayem avatar image
jayem asked

Setting up SmartSolar MPPT realy switch unsing CCGX color controller

Hello all,

I have a question regarding my MPPT relay switch.
I want to create a dump load for a hot water system.
I have a CCGX color control with a multiplus 24v/3000Va/70A, MPPT is 150V/70A

Now i want to come out of my relay switch and have read that i can configure it to do many functions, one including "Float or Storagestate This option switches the relay ON when the charger is in the float state."
This is the function i am after but i cannot seem to find any option under the SmartSolar setting menu in my CCGX.
Am I not able to programme thru the CCGX?

Ive read that i can use the app to program the MPPT but i dont really want to use it.
The question i have is once i have prorgammed using the app, if i then deleted and uninstalled the app would the setting still apply?
And is there any other way to get to the Float or storagestate Relay function without the App?

Thank you very much for your time and i hope your all well.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Use the app, it's very straightforward. Once you have it installed, use the hamburger menu to go to demonstration mode., Pick your MPPT. Go to setting and pick relay. Set float.

Remember the relay in the MPPT is not for power, it is used to switch a power relay.

Setting are kept across updates.

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jayem avatar image jayem commented ·
Thanks alot for your reply.

I quick question, If i was to delete the app from my phone would the settings still stay to what i set them to or revert to a default?
Also, when you say used to switch a power relay i'm not 100% sure what you mean.

Thanks allot for your response, I really appreciate it.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ jayem commented ·

The settings are stored on the mppt itself not in the app.

The relay can be set on certain conditions.

The relay can switch a maximum of 8Amps. If your load is higher you should use a relay.

A fuller description of the available settings are here.

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