
jdpete avatar image
jdpete asked

GFPD tripping

Morningstar GFPD is tripping intermittently at maximum solar exposure to PV array. GFPD won't trip if PV breaker is shut off to charger 150/70 PV input. Electrician finds no leakage to ground. My solar array is grounded and then bonded to system.

I noticed in manual this statement:

The charger must not be connected with grounded PV arrays. (one ground connection only).

Does this mean I should have a dedicated ground for the charger case?

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

What is grounded? Frame of the panels is normal.

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jdpete avatar image jdpete commented ·
Just the frame of the panels and that ground rod is bonded to the panel ground rod.
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