
virusvitamin avatar image
virusvitamin asked

Help with Fronius Symo 15kW 3-phase and Victron MultiPlus II (buckup use) configuration


I'm planning a new solar installation on a new house build and was hoping someone could please help me determine the best way to plan and configure it. If I plan to install a 3-phase Fronius Symo 15kW inverter, does that mean I could install 1x Victron MultiPlus II 5000VA units connected to L1 phase?

This is the configuration I thought would work best but I'd really appreciate help on whether this configuration is valid and if anyone has thoughts on this design?

Many thanks in advance.


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2 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


That should be OK, i believe you are using Victron Cerbo or CCGX controller for the ESS system control?


Rob D


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virusvitamin avatar image
virusvitamin answered ·


Thank you.

I am planning to use a Victron Cerbo controller and controll panel GX Touch 50 to control system.




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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·
Hi Konstantin

Thats OK, you know with the Victron you can export excess DC power from the MPPT once the batteries are full and the house loads are supplied.

You may need a Current meter ET112 on that L1 phase to have control over current flows etc. Unless you are not going to export surplus power?

My wife is from Ukraine and still has family in Keiv and Dnipro.


Rob D


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virusvitamin avatar image virusvitamin Rob Duthie commented ·

Hi, Rob.

I live near the Dnipro in Zaporozhye.

One the tasks of the station is the sale energy at a "green tariff" (return to the grid).

Thank you.



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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie virusvitamin commented ·
Hi Konstantin

Yes the L1 phase could export more power than the other two phases if you set the Victron to export DC coupled power if required.


Rob D


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