
tinadp1 avatar image
tinadp1 asked

Phone App does not see my 100/50 Controller

I have read the other answers on other posts and it is not helping me. After not connecting to my solar for some time I decided to check on my battery status by opening the app as usual on my phone. The controller was showing as a device on the app but kept asking for a pass code. I put in the suggested 6 zeros. Still saying wrong passcode. I put in 4 zeros, still nothing, 1234, still nothing. Kept asking me to enter the pass code. Finally gave up on that. I removed the app from my phone and reinstalled. The device was no longer showing on my phone app and still does not show. The battery sense shows but the controller does not. I am not understanding the trouble shooting instructions given in the manual for other things to try. I do not know what is meant by making sure you are in the Victron menu. I am clicking on my app as I've always done. Why does Victron not have someone you can speak with on the phone for tech support? This is so frustrating to have to search through tons of posts trying to find an answer. And the answers given don't seem to help. Please respond in detail as I am not a techy person. Please do not reference a link to click on in the manual. It is not helping. Can anyone answer in plain English what to do. I did not install my solar. Please tell me what I can do to correct the issue. Thank you.

MPPT Controllers
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
What phone or? Android or Apple?
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The person who installed it for you should have explained it to you and connected you to it. Or at least that is what we do for our clients.

It is difficult to explain to a non tech person.

If the phone had not paired maybe the installer changed the passcode. At the side of the mppt there is a PUK code that can also be used to connect.

But if you cant see it in the app anymore that is another issue. I sometimes have to refresh a few times, by touching the orange circle at the bottom right of the Victron Connect app before mine can be seen.

You may be able to speak to a local distributor using the address below (sorry another link) where to buy and see who is nearby using the map, click on a blue dot and some information will come up (thinking of phone bills here) They should be able to help you and chat to you.

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