
Yazan avatar image
Yazan asked

CCGX restarts regularly with more than 10 MPPT controllers.

I have a problem with the CCGX monitor screen. When I connect more than ten MPPT Controllers , it restarts every 2-3 minutes.So how I can solve this problem?

Notes : I have finteen of MPPTs and I want to connet it to the GX

MPPT Controllers
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Yazan avatar image Yazan commented ·

The connection between them by RG45 cable and the GX handle 10 of MPPTs but more than that the CCGX has restarts regularly

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw Yazan commented ·

Are you using the can.bus on the CGX as well as the VE.can? I trust you have all the latest firmware updates on all devices and MPPTs are all on the same? What else is connected to the CGX?

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1 Answer
markus avatar image
markus answered ·


see here: Victron GX product range [Victron Energy]

Especially "Max. VE.Direct devices "

CCGX has a maximum of 5 devices, so a maximum of 5 MPPTs are possible.

CerboGX can handle 15.


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