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manfred-1 asked

Fronius inverter on AC-In disabled when Multiplus is switched off

3 Phase Fronius Gen 24 AC connected Inverter
L1 connected to AC-in on one Multiplus II with ESS enabled
48V Battery and MPPT on DC side of Multiplus
Cerbo CX for Managment

When I switch off the Multiplus (for Maintenance or for avoiding standby consumption) the Fronius is stopping as well - CX device than is saying "Zero Feed in power limit = 0". After switching on the Multiplus - Fronius starts again producing and CX device is saying "Zero Feed in power limit = 8000 W".

Because Fronius is connected to AC-in of the Multiplus II, this behaviour does not make sense.
Is this a mailfunction or is there any configuration i may have done wrong?

relevant settings:
ESS: Inverter AC output in use: no
ESS: Grid Feed in: AC power grid feed in excess: yes
ESS Assistant: PV Inverter on AC out: no

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