
salvapost avatar image
salvapost asked

EasySolar vs EasySolar II

Hello, I can’t find the fundamental differences, a part of the GX integration, between EasySolar and EasySolar II.


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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The easy solar and the easy solar 2 gx are pretty much the same. The multi2 is designed for higher grid standards and safety. (two disconnect relays)

A s they are designed as all in one units, each have an mppt built in, sizes depend on models chosen.

Pictures will then show how difference they are in construction.

The easy solar units have breakers built in the easy two range does not.

They are all in one units so minimum wiring is required on the users part to add battery and integrate in AC wiring. Concept between the two is the same really just the 2 range is newer and smaller form factor.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Perhaps you could look at the products page?

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salvapost avatar image salvapost commented ·
I already did that before the post.

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