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xyzt asked

Victron Blue Smart 12/5 pulsating current in ABS phase

Victron Blue Smart 12V / 5A firmware v3,25

Toyota C-HR hybrid with lead-acid battery calcium, 45 Ah.

During the ABS phase, Victron displayed a pulsating current in the application, which fluctuated by about 0.1A-0.3A (e.g. 3.5-> 3.6-> 3.7 and back), and along with it a pulsating voltage, which was also slowly falling, although according to the instructions it should be constant.

Is my Victron defective?

I would like to add that the battery charged with Victron in a car from 12.4 to 13.2 (then the Victron ends the ABS phase) discharges to 12.4V in about 24 hours. Charged with an car to 13V discharges to 12.4V in a few days.

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