
sasha avatar image
sasha asked

What is the key difference between Quattro I and it's successor(?) Quattro II

Hi, I'm having a hard time differentiating between the Victron products.

What's the Quattro version I vs. the version II?

Is the II a better, more modern, efficient product? Or same same in 'new' clothes?

would be great, if Victron could provide 'comparison' charts, to help w navigating their many I, II etc models.

thx :)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The biggest difference is the Quattro 2 is designed for more stringent grid codes. So if you want to use ESS and you live in a country with standards that must be met then the quatrro 2 is your choice.

Not the same construction or 'new clothes'. It has the same basic concept behind it though.

It is shown in the technical section (quattro 2) of the manual of both products if you check them out on their product pages.

Form factor is also a major difference, this can be seen on the product pages and the photos section at the bottom.

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olavi75 avatar image
olavi75 answered ·

@Alexandra The new Quattro-II design seems to be like Multiplus-II + additional AC in. In our country (Estonia, EU) Multiplus-II is permitted for ESS usage, but the Quattro isn't. From the grid safety point of view the design of Multiplus-II and Quattro-II should be the same, just official certificates for Quattro-II would be needed.
Multiplus-II appears to meet the following requirements "The inverter must comply with Directives 2014/35 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council and
2014/30 / EU and bear the mark of conformity in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. The inverter or other production device must meet the requirements of Article 13 of European Commission Regulation 2016/631 / EU "
Does Victron Energy plan to issue the same certificates for Quattro-II as for Multiplus-II?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

I'm sure the certificates are already in progress, everything else wouldn't make sense.
But this takes time and there is nothing that Victron can do about it because it is done in an external institute.

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sesshoumaru avatar image sesshoumaru Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Nice. I bought just 3x the Quattro II -- ESS certificates would be appreciated :D
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ sesshoumaru commented ·
A little time is always needed after a new product release for these types of things.
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iand avatar image
iand answered ·

Other significant differences (also Multiplus to Multiplus II) are idle power and power rating vs. temperature -- for example for the 48/10000 idle power is lower (38W spec. vs. 60W -- some people have reported 100W...) and power derating at high temperature is less:

Old : 8000W/25C 6500W/40C 4500W/65C

New : 8000W/25C 7000W/40C 6000W/65C

Still waiting for the bigger Quattro II, was hoping they'd appear in the 2022Q2 price list but no joy...

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iand avatar image iand commented ·
Still no Quattro II bigger than 5000VA in 2022Q3 price list... :-(
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