
luphi avatar image
luphi asked

charger overheating, throttling down, no fan

Hello all,

I try to charge a 280Ah 4S LiFePO4 battery with a blue smart charger 12/30.

After a few minutes charging with 30A, I noticed the current going down to ~17A while still in bulk phase. The charger was quiet hot. I assume it tiers down the current to not overheat, but the fan is still off.

I stopped charging and after a cool down started again. Same behaviour.

If the charger is getting too hot, why is it throttling down instead of activating the fan? (at least I can't hear any fan)

Charger is brand new, 1st time use.

Any help is much apprechiated.



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1 Answer
luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·

Issue is fixed. After opening the charge, I figured out after some tests, that the fan was blocked by the ribbon cable connecting the top and bottom boards.

Just bending it a bit off the fan and it was working again. Currently charging stable at 30A for at least 1/2h.



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Luphi, thanks for letting us know what the cause was, and clearly that shouldn’t happen like that. I’ll make sure its looked into - thank you!

ps. Could you let me know the serial number? Starts with HQ.

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luphi avatar image luphi mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hello Matthijs ,

thank you for your investigation on this. I really like your products and am glad to be able to give at least a tiny bit back.

The SN is HQ2102L4IMA.



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ luphi commented ·
Hi Luphi, thats great, thanks. I'll get it checked & made sure that that can't happen again.
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