
Manoah Ebert avatar image
Manoah Ebert asked

Victron charger overcharge batteries, resulting in exploding battery

Ik ben enorm victron fan. Heel mijn boot zit vol met victron zonnepanelen, mppt laders, cerbo CX, multiplus, isolators etc. Ik woon zelfs semiars bij. Maar nu is mijn vertouwen toch wel tot een dieptepunt gekomen, helaas.

Ik heb een paar maanden geleden een Victron blue smart charger (15amp, 12v) gekocht. Aangesloten op mijn parallel geschakelde leefaccu's. Dat waren dure jongens van ca 800 euro per stuk, half jaar oud. Na 2 dagen zag 1 van de huishoudaccu's er zo uit.whatsapp-image-2022-01-26-at-133120.jpegwhatsapp-image-2022-01-26-at-133120-1.jpeg

LEt wel, het was een nieuwe accu van nog geen half jaar oud. Inmiddels had ik de lader er al weer afgehaald. Ik heb diverse bedrijven gevraagd. Niemand kon deze explosie verklaren. De enige verklaring was dat de accu dan wellicht al iets mankeerde. Raar, maar ik kon er ook niets anders van maken.
Inmiddels wilde ik de lader gebruiken om een andere accu, de startaccu(ook 12v uiteraard) te laden, niet wetende dat de lader juist het probleem is. Ook deze accu is nog geen half jaar oud. Een dag later was deze accu ook gesneuveld! Hoe is dat nou mogelijk? Wat was de gemeenschappelijke deler? De victron lader!
Wat blijkt? De lader laadt met een veel te hoge spanning van 16.4volt!

Dit is echt niet OK! Ik zit nu met een enome schadepost, waar niemand natuurlijk voor wil opdraaien. Dit is de reden dat mijn vertrouwen in victron verdwenen is. Ik baal er echt enorm van.

Heeft iemand soortgelijke ervaringen? Zou fijn zijn als Victron zelf zou reageren. Ik stuur met alle plezier de lader naar ze op zodat ze zelf onderzoek kunnen doen.


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5 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Looks interesting, what are your settings of the charger?
Temperature compensation? What device is connected via VE.Smart network?

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Have seen a couple of lead based batteries do this.

One from overcharging but it was a gel and the person was charging at amps way higher than recommended. This battery also failed with high voltage.

Another because someone forgot to unblock the vent. His second one because it was dropped and case damaged.

Another when the owner was not checking fluid levels and it was almost dry.

These batteries do off gas alot. I wonder if there was not inproper ventilation and a spark ignited some of the offgas here.

One when they decided after never doing an equalisation charge do one and there was plates shorted out inside. This one had a weird voltage too.

So not an unusual sight in my experience. Also I might add that only one of these experiences had a Victron charger on it.

I am sorry you had a poor experience like this. Pretty dangerous and bad thing. It will be interesting to see if the root cause of this one was.

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blutow avatar image
blutow answered ·

I'm not sure this will help, but I had something similar happen on my system but with lithium batteries (and no serious damage luckily)

I have a cerbo along with smart shunt, battery protect, victron mppt, multiplus and 4 280ah lithium batteries.

I'm in my camper van one day and I hear my roof fan clicking on and off. I look at my cerbo (touch screen) and everything looks normal (I think it showed system voltage of 13.3v or something).

I had been working on the system the day prior and had my multimeter handy and the system voltage was actually 16.1v (yikes). The fan cycling on and off was my battery protect flipping on and off killing the loads, so it did it's job saving my DC equipment downstream.

I logged into each of my batteries (bluetooth BMS's) and they were all in safety disconnect because of the high voltage, so they worked as intended and I'm assuming no damage.

All my system voltages were showing 13.3v from the cerbo and also logging into my shunt and solar charger via victron connect, but actual voltage per multimeter was 16v+ across the system.

With the batteries disconnected due to high voltage and the multiplus turned off, the solar charger was the only power source. Why would it be pushing 16v+ when it's configured with a very conservative bulk/absorption voltage of 14.1v?

Here is my working theory (I'm pretty sure this is right) -

When I did system maintenance the day prior, I disconnected all DC power. This caused my smart shunt to lose it's firmware (it's happened multiple times before, but I can't repeat it). It seems to operate and communicate with the cerbo with no firmware, but it doesn't work properly and clearly says "no firmware" if you go into victron connect via bluetooth.

I also had DVCC set up on the cerbo so that the mppt and the multiplus would look at the smart shunt for a shared voltage reference for the whole system. The cerbo was able to get a voltage from the smart shunt, which was incorrectly locked at 13.3v (even as battery voltage climbed), so the solar charger just kept pushing more volts because battery voltage would never rise (based on the shunt).

The fix - I updated the smart shunt firmware and it's working fine. I opened a support case with the seller of the shunt, but I have not been able to reproduce the issue despite trying many times. I'm wondering if the latest firmware might have fixed the "lost firmware" issue, but the firmware was pretty current before I had this problem and I had seen it in the past several times. I expect to see it again some day. To avoid this happening again in the future, I turned off DVCC and each charger is now using it's own voltage reference (not depending on the smart shunt). That's not optimal, but I don't want to risk this happening again. I may just buy a new smart shunt out of pocket for peace of mind and turn DVCC back on.

I have no idea if my issue has anything in common with the issue reported in this thread, but I see some similarities. Without the BMS's shutting the batteries off, it would have been a catastrophic event. I was really surprised the charging device would put out 16+ volts when it's configured to charge at 14.1v, but I guess the functionality makes sense (to account for voltage drop) as long as you have an accurate battery reference voltage. Super dangerous situation without reliable voltage cutoff controls in place (which are not typical for lead acid).

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Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Goedendag, Graag reageer ik op uw melding. Erg vervelend dat dit gebeurd is als eerste! Ik zou graag meer willen weten hoe dit is gebeurd. Als de lader inderdaad een spanning weergeeft welke te hoog is voor de accu is de eerste opmerking dat de lader dus "op de hoogte is " van deze spanning en dat blijkbaar akkoord vindt. Het zou dan voor de hand liggen dat er een setting gemaakt is welke dit veroorzaakt. Met name de Recondition stand zou de oorzaak hiervan kunnen zijn. Wellicht kunt u een screenshot of het settings file van de instelingen willen sturen. Mocht er qua instelling geen aanwijzing zijn waarom dit gebeurd is zou ik inderdaad graag zien dat de lader opgestuurd wordt ter evaluatie. schermafbeelding-2022-01-27-om-075851.png

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Manoah Ebert avatar image Manoah Ebert commented ·

Beste Johannes,

Ik heb niets aangepast in de instellingen. Maar bijgevoegd heb ik de gevraagde sreenshots. Is dit wat u bedoelt?whatsapp-image-2022-01-28-at-111758-1.jpeg

Ik heb ook even gekeken naar geavanceerde instellingen.


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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Manoah Ebert commented ·
Een screenshot 'expert-modus' hat Recondition.
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Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hallo , nee niet helemaal

Wellicht is het beter de settings als file op te sturen naar

Ga ik er dan even naar kijken

Ps graag ook het serienummer opgeven


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