
g1234 avatar image
g1234 asked

Connecting an older solaredge inverter and then adding future PV


I'm looking to purchase a Multiplus II - GX, 5000, which I would plan to use with 2 banks of 2 Pylontech 3000C batteries.

We have an existing solaredge inverter limited to 3.2kw output, about 5 years old. Do I understand correctly that I can't put this on the backed up AC side?

In relation to the above, does the factor 1 rule include generation on the non-backed up side - I don't think so from reading about it, meaning that I can add up to 5000wp on the backed up side at a later date - again with another SE inverter due to partial PV shading (keeping my existing solaredge inverter on the non-backed up side). Is my understanding correct?

Thanks in advance,


solar sizingsolaredge
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The factor 1 rule applies to the capacity of the MultiPlus to support the PV when the network is unavailable. So yes, you can put 3.2kW of PV on the AC-OUT backed up side.
With that, you can put more on the AC-IN non backed up side, the MultiPlus will not be able to deal with the source when the network is down because the source will stop generation and the backfeed relay in the MultiPlus will be open.

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