
Tobias avatar image
Tobias asked

Reverse Uninterrupted AC power (UPS function)


I want to priorities the use of the battery capacity and only switch back to the grid if the battery are empty.

In other words the grid is always available but I only want to use it in case of my batteries are flat an there is not enough power coming from my PV array ….

Kind regards Tobi

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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ddickov avatar image ddickov commented ·

Hi there this can be setup using victron connect on a laptop and a mk3 unit, conditional ac input im sure it’s called. This can be setup so the grid only connects either at SOC or load on the inverter side. Hope this helps thanks david

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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

I recommend you familiarise yourself with the ESS documentation and its features.

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Tobias avatar image Tobias commented ·

Thanks I don't understand why I didn’t fin this page myself …

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