
berend avatar image
berend asked

How much sound does the Multiplus 48/10000/140-100 make?

Hi all,

I would like to know if there is a sound curve of the Multiplus II 48/10000/140-100?

If not available, is there anyone who can make an estimation of the noise produced at 50% and 100% capacity?



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3 Answers
rdcat avatar image
rdcat answered ·

48/5000 is noisy. Fan hard mounted to steel case, no damping. Poor fan speed modulation. Average airflow design (opportunity for recirculation of hot air)

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Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

A MP2 48/5000 measured with my smartphone has between 60 and 65 dB (measured 2m away). In a quite house it is really noisy.


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alfredo11 avatar image
alfredo11 answered ·

I was curious to know how much the sound it makes thanks for posting.


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
The best answer to all these types of questions: A lot!
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