
Justin Tierney avatar image
Justin Tierney asked

Need input from other RV'ers, Van'ers or those with mobile setups

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for some input from others that have a multiplus ii in an RV or other mobile setup. Please see my screen shot below, I'll outline my setup further down. So I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this. When plugged in and no AC load on the output side and/or batteries are floating or too cold to charge... what does your system look like?

I've worked with my dealer and they said they haven't seen this before. I posted something similar within a different question but wanted to break it out into it's own. Some have said just noise from the inverter which is fine, I'm just wondering what others are seeing. Currently only my fridge is running on AC.

Multiplus ii 2x120

Cerbo GX

BMV 712

Lynxs distributor

LifeP04 batteries 400ah


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
vrm-values.png (23.8 KiB)
2 |3000

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Justin Tierney avatar image Justin Tierney commented ·
All devices are currently running the latest FW.
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Justin Tierney avatar image Justin Tierney commented ·


The VRM grapgh

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graph.png (24.8 KiB)
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