
ghardin avatar image
ghardin asked

Can a MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-50 120V be mounted upside down? Connectors and Power SW UP

I would like to mount this device so that the Connectors and Power Switch are Up and NOT down. It will be mounted vertical just upside down. This will allow me to mount it on my sliding generator tray and enclose the lower part to keep it dry and protected from the elements..

All I can find is below:

"This product is suitable for wall mounting. A solid surface, suitable for the weight and dimensions of the product must be available (e.g., concrete, or masonry). For mounting purposes, a hook and two holes are provided at the back of the casing (see appendix G). The device can be fitted either horizontally or vertically. For optimal cooling, vertical fitting is preferred."

Thanks in advance,


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5 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You description implies that you're not going to be following the installation rules you quote.

Bear in mind that the units need good airflow from bottom to top, have an internal cooling fan which requires good ventilation.

If it's to be mounted on a sliding tray, there's also the very heavy cabling to consider. This isn't very flexible and it will stress the connectors a lot as you move the tray.

I think you will have cooling and reliability issues, probably not covered by warranty.

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ghardin avatar image
ghardin answered ·

Thanks for the response... Maybe I was not clear in my description but I am planning on mounting it vertically. The rules of installation just states "For optimal cooling, vertical fitting is preferred." but it does not say whether it the unit can be mounted Connector/SW Down (normal) or Connectors Up/SW (upside down) and that is the crux of my question. Is the chimney/cooling affect adversely impacted if mounted Connectors/SE Up?

Absolutely agree and understand the issue of straining the connectors to the unit. The sliding tray is the generator bay. I am replacing the generator with batteries and this inverter (actually 2) and hence all wiring will be "fixed" between batteries and Inverter and to the tray except for the existing power lead from Generator to the Transfer Switch - a cable that already exists. Your concern is noted...

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Airflow is bottom to top/convection direction. The fan aids this.

Not sure what effect upside down mounting would have on the trips.

Unless you get a clear yes from someone here, not a good idea to do this, unless your dealer confirms it's ok and won't affect your warranty.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

If the inverter(s) will be placed in an enclosure, the cooling won't be optimal, even if mounted in the correct vertical position.

That compartment gets heat from other sources as well (Sun, other equipment, etc.)?

Will the inverters be used close to their rated power, or at much less than that? If you draw let's say only half their rated continous power, the cooling won't be as problematic.

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ghardin avatar image
ghardin answered ·

Thanks again for responses... This is for a Class A diesel pusher. I am removing the Onan 10K generator and replacing it with 48V battery banks that will connect to two multi-plus-II 48/3K/35-50 120V. I have 24 100Ah batteries that will fit in the bay..

The mounting position of the inverter will be on the front side of the Generator Tray and the front fiberglass faring of the RV. I will enclose space directly below between the bay and the faring to protect the inverters from direct water/environmental conditions but the space is voluminous and gets LOTs of airflow and there are no other heat sources (transmission is mounted aft of this bay)

The reason for wanting to mount it upside down is to have easy access to the wiring and the on/off switches that I will not have when I enclose the lower bottom of the bay (not the sides - again, LOTS of airflow)...

I hate running the generator while driving or boondocking. The system will be augmented with both solar and high output 48V second alternator. The two units should provide enough power while driving and boondocking. I heard that there was to be a higher output MPII 48V 120V but I am kinda tired of waiting on this project... I bought the batteries last year and want to finish the project before the RV season starts.

I would luv to know whether there really is a new MPII 48V 120V 10K unit coming out...


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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·
There is an (older) Quattro 48V/10000VA 120V.
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ghardin avatar image ghardin seb71 commented ·
Thank for the response... Yes there is quattro but its leakage draw is way too high...
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