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gilles asked

Wiring 220v shore power into Multiplus 12/800VA with EBL 99

Hi, i am trying to finalize my electric install in my RV. I have a multiplus 800 VA with a 250 Ah lithium single batterie , an orion 30 A, and an EBL 99 for all the 12volts loads.

All the 12v loads are working, however i don't have 220v in my sockets yet ...

I come here to ask if my wiring is good or not.

I understood from some diagrams available outthere : From the main shore power 220v, i go directly into AC IN of the multiplus with a 3G2.5mm2 then i come out from AC out to the EBL with a 3G1.5mm2 but then there are no cables from the EBL to provide 220v to the sockets, i guess ....

I am confused..

The cables which bring 220v to the socket are connected just after the circuit breaker (see diagram)

What to do then ?

I had an idea : Just after the circuit breaker replace the big cable that comes out by a longer one to the multiplus AC IN.

Then from AC OUT i dont go directly to the EBl but to the original line splitter for the sockets which will contain all the cables for the sockets and to the EBL.

Does it make sense at all ?

i tried to put up a picture but it does not work.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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