
dbx120 avatar image
dbx120 asked

15kw Quattro Noise

Hi All,

One of my customers has a 15kw 48V Quattro that is making a loud buzzing noise. Please see IMG_2900.MOV

Happens even with the AC outputs isolated.

Is this normal?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger (3.4 MiB)
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

upgrade to fw 490 there were some noise fixes in it - read the release notes for 480 to 490 - there is a reference in there

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dbx120 avatar image dbx120 commented ·
Thanks Paul!
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kallenr avatar image
kallenr answered ·

it helps considerably if you mount rubbers behind the mounting plate.

So use large rubber rings between the wall and the suspension bracket.

Also in the left and right bottom corner between the wall I mounted these rubber rings.

(I total 5 rings with a Multiplus 2)

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