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hanski asked

Connecting wires delivered with Multiplus Compact and Smart Dongle.

I bought Multiplus Compact 12/2000 inverter charger and there was T-sense wire with the delivery. The manual tells that the wire shall be connected into battery negative and inside Multiplus in plug marked "+ and - ".

I bought a smart dongle too and there was one wire (black and red) attached. According some video clips that wire shall be connected in smart dongle "+B and -B" place and battery minus and positive pole. Can these too separate wires be to connect one wire between Multiplus and battery minus pole and one wire between smart dongle and battery minus and positive poles?

Is there maybe some other way to connect these two different cables? In smart dongle there is one place marked "T" too? Of coarse I need one RJ cable between smart dongle and Multiplus

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