
felixsteinbeis avatar image
felixsteinbeis asked

Phoenix Smart Charger, Float duration, HEX-Protocol

Hello all,

how long does the float phase last until the charger switches to the storage phase? How can I set the float duration?

And where can I find the documentation for the Hex protocol of the Phoenix Smart Charger? Or who can send it to me?

Thank you.

Best regards

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1 Answer
Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image
Martin (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @felix.steinbeis,

In case of adaptive absorption duration, float varies between 4-8 hours. In case of fixed absorption duration, the float time is always 8 hours. This parameter cannot be changed using VictronConnect.

Wrt to the protocol documentation: I've sent you an email.

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felixsteinbeis avatar image felixsteinbeis commented ·

Hi Martin,

Thank you very much for your support.

This helps me.

Best regards

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