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clem13 asked

Coupure inverter multiplus 3000 low battery


I have a failure of a 3000 12V multiplus inverter, as soon as power is requested (microwave type etc.). It then displays low battery on the VE control, while the batteries are charged.

the voltage drops to 12.1V, but not abnormal ...

3 year 4X 90 A lithium battery.

Thanks for your help


j’ai une coupure d‘un inverter multiplus 3000 12V , des que l’on demande de la puissance (type micro-onde etc).Il s’affiche alors low battery sur le VE control , alors que les battery sont chargées .

la tension descend a 12,1V, mais pas anormale…

battery 4X 90 A lithium de 3 ans.

merci pour votre aide

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