
Waleed Basalama avatar image
Waleed Basalama asked

single line diagram or block diagram for Shipping container full of Victron equipment to power a factory

Dear All,

I need the single line diagram or block diagram for the system in this video on YouTube for Victron and Fronius system

I'm welling to build the same for charity Hospital in our country

Thanks in advance


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5 Answers
tnt369 avatar image
tnt369 answered ·
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

tnt369 avatar image
tnt369 answered ·

In addition, it should be noted:

- Regulations (local, hospital ...)

- Backup (2nd system, generator, UPS ...)


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tnt369 avatar image
tnt369 answered ·
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

tnt369 avatar image
tnt369 answered ·

Out of the box solution:

Energy Container - Victron Energy

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Waleed Basalama avatar image
Waleed Basalama answered ·

Many thanks

Be safe

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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

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