
gavo7 avatar image
gavo7 asked

Does the Multiplus ii GX 5000 have CT export threshold adjustment to prioritize with solar diverter

I have a solar iboost+ (solar diverter) which is used to heat hot water with excess PV power. The iboost+ is compatible with battery systems, but it needs to be prioritized otherwise the batteries & diverter will fight for the excess energy. The threshold for export on the CT can be adjusted from 100w up to 500w to give priority to which ever device has the lowest threshold for export. I would like to prioritise the diverter to heat the hot water tank first rather than the batteries first . My question is what is the threshold that the Multiplus reads on the CT for export before it then stops the export and puts it into the batteries? Also can this value be adjusted, so I can effectively lift it above the solar iboost+ CT set threshold (defaut 100w)so the batteries will charge once the hot water cylinder has used the excess and now exporting energy if not required by the property. Ideally want the multiplus CT to be set at 150-200w so sits above. Any help/support is greatly appreciated as I'm a novice when it comes to PV battery storage systems.

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1 Answer
l81ker avatar image
l81ker answered ·

I can't comment yet on Victron settings as I'm still putting kit together for my own ESS install, but in searching other places such as the EV installer community:

A similar question arises about prioritising a B.E.V. charger over the diverter or vice versa, and the MyEnergi solution is that it depends which CT the grid current passes through first as to which gets priority, and to change it, simply put the diverter sensor the other side of the E.V. sensor.

The same solution *probably* works here, but as stated I am not yet able to try it myself.

If anyone can try swapping the CT position for the diverter and let us know the outcome, that would be valuable!

At the time of writing I have a MP2 48/5000 on order, and looking for prices on Pylon US5000 batteries. I have 5.1kWp of solar, and a diverter but no ESS (yet).


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