
alistair-jeffcoat avatar image
alistair-jeffcoat asked

Titan charger stuck at 7.5A on it's output

Our customer has a Titan 48/50 battery charger and they cannot get more than 7.5 amps out of it. Float is set to and measured at 54.4 V boost is at 56 V . When their test battery (100 AH) is discharged at 100 A for a little while, it will not pull up above 7.5 A output . The battery will be at 52 , climbing to 53 V and higher, after the discharge , but will not deliver the required current. Then I set the pot will reduce the current limit set point when turned down, but in turning it up you cannot get anymore than 7.5 A out of it. The boost led is on then . After the equalize times out, it goes to float . I tried dip sw 2 to bypass the eq time , also no difference. With charger unloaded you can turn up the float or boost set pots up high like 58 V .

Do you have any ideas ? Its like its set at 7.5 A current limit all the time.

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