
akscottie2013 avatar image
akscottie2013 asked

Two Multiplus single phase not working together

Victron system install, consisting of smart lithium 200 batteries with a ve bus bms, smart shunt, 2 Multiplus 3000s, cerbo with touch 50. Also mains detector, and a ve bus smart dongle.

would like to have both inverters available to monitor and or control on cerbo but at this point, convinced it won’t happen, willing to see one on cerbo and other through the dongle via VictronConnect app.

But- cannot get everything to work- only one inverter is behaving normally. System is set up completely independent- one inverter handles bus a, one inverter bus b, and they are configured as single phase, separate from each other. Installed on a boat. As it is currently set up, the first inverter is not detecting mains but is inverting- we just can’t read it on a device and mains does not light up. Second inverter is operating normally.

How can this be configured- with specifics on connections with the various cables and mentioned devices, to get the best use of the cerbo and also having mains detected by both?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If you want them to be stand-alone you connect one with a RJ45 cable directly to the Cerbo and the other via a MK3 Interface.

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