
southace avatar image
southace asked

Skylla ip65 70 amp (3)

The default factory setting on the 3 outputs of charge absorption volt are 1)14.4

2)14.8 , 3)14.8 as my battery banks are all the same they all require 14.4 absorption. I’m not sure if someone has messed with the settings but for my life I can not seem to change each individual output to 14.4 volt.

can someone please walk me through the setting to access reducing the volt to bank 2 and 3?

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The one setting is for all three outputs.

You can't configure each output individual because there is only one big charger inside not three.

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southace avatar image southace commented ·
OK So why would 2 and 3 outputs say 14.7 and the 1 output says 14.4? I’m worried 14.7 absorption rate will cook my battery’s
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