
romual30 avatar image
romual30 asked

Ac input on mains trips the circuit breaker on start up

Multi plus 2 connected to battery wanting to charge the batteries through mains power AC in when I turn on the mains power after about 20seconds it trips the main house circuit breaker, I have lowered the amp input in setting but still trips.

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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

check to make sure you have the active and neutral wires the correct way around on both AC 1 in and your AC1 and 2 out.

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romual30 avatar image
romual30 answered ·

Hi, yes this is correct Red and Brown are live and Black and Blue are neutral it is correctly wired in Australia.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Circuit breakers can trip for excess current, or earth leakage. Can also be old and need replacing.

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1madsci avatar image
1madsci answered ·

I just completed the install in the RV. The shore power is through a 50 amp GFI breaker. The breaker tripped every time I turned the unit on. I checked the wiring, ohmed the connections and started wondering if the unit was defective. I found a post on another thread that said turn everything off, the inverter has a large capacitor bank that requires a lot of current to initially charge. I turned off the main breaker and disconnected the battery at the switch. The inverter then started without tripping the breaker. Turned the batteries and main AC breaker back on and everything now works.

The instruction to turn off all loads prior to turning the unit on should have been included in the installation instructions. I had to do multiple searches to find install code (zzz) AND PAIRING CODE (000000) that are not contained in either user manual. The install code was necessary to change the battery type to Li.

Do loads need to be turned off every time the shore poser is connected? The post I found only said the initial installation.

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