
fourie-joubert avatar image
fourie-joubert asked

Maximum current into MPPT 450/100/200 tracker ports - regulated or fragile?

Hi Folks

I could use some advice! I am pretty new to this...

Suppose I have solar serial strings with 9x450W (48V, 10A) solar panels.

The voltage from my panels is then 432V from each string and therefore remains 432V if I connect two strings in parallel (or a little less in reality due to actual conditions, so the voltage is within range).

But if I combine my two strings in parallel, my current from the two parallel strings is 20A (10A + 10A).

The MPPT 450/100/200 spec sheet says:

Maximum PV array size per tracker 7200 Wp (450 V x 20 A)
Max. PV operational input current 18 A per tracker
Max. PV short circuit current 20 A per tracker.

The MPPT 450/100 has a PV input limit of 18A per tracker and it has 2 tracker inputs.
The MPPT 450/200 has a PV input limit of 18A per tracker and it has 4 tracker inputs.

A single 18A tracker port then can't handle the 20A (10A + 10A) if I want to include two PV strings (as described above) in a parallel connection, right?

I have seen debates on the internet where some people say the tracker port will regulate the 20A to 18A as needed, and other people say 20A input will fry the tracker input MOSFETs.

Can anyone help me out with this?

I can put each of the two strings on its own PV tracker connector (10A each so it's below 18A), but then I can not expand in the future with more strings into the MPPT 450/100's 18A connectors. So if I want to leave space for expansion with future strings, I would need to get an MPPT 450/200, which has four tracker inputs of 18A each, then can I possibly add 2 more strings in the future, but the 450/200 costs quite a bit more than the 450/100.....

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Regards and thank you!

Fourie Joubert

Prof Fourie Joubert
Centre for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Genomics Research Institute
Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
University of Pretoria

MPPT SmartSolarcurrent limit
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5 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

IF your short circuit current from the 2 strings is 20A or less, then 1 tracker with 20A short current capability will be fine. If the max power pv current is above 18A (eg 2 x 9.5 = 19A) don't worry, but the max transfer power will be slightly limited by the tracker. IF your short circuit current is above 20A, then you are in danger IF the charger tries to shunt the input under an error condition.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Not 100% sure but datasheet says:

Max. PV short circuit current 20 A per tracker

A higher short circuit current may damage the controller if PV array is connected in reverse polarity.

So as long as you don't connect a sting in reverse you should be fine with a higher Isc.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I assume you used Voc, not the nominal voltage as the basis for your voltage calcs. Did you check the voltage increase as temp drops as well? You're fairly close to the MPPT voltage limit here. Cold snap might just push you over and kill the MPPTs

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shale-audio avatar image
shale-audio answered ·

Your panel should have both a short circuit current rating and an operational current rating. If the short circuit current rating x 2 is 20 or less then you are fine. I am not aware if the mppt would detect 21 amps and protect itself, but it would be an odd system indeed if 20 amps was its limit and it could be fried by 20 amps. In electrical ratings there is usually some safety margin be it 10 or 20%, if they say 20 amps that probably means it can handle 25amps but they want you in the 80% margin

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Short circuit rating on the MPPT is for reverse polarity risks.
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fourie-joubert avatar image
fourie-joubert answered ·

Many thanks for everyone's responses!

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Related Resources

MPPT product page

VictronConnect manual


MPPT calculator

MPPT codes

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