
aliemre07 avatar image
aliemre07 asked

Quattro Charge Current Value Variation

Hello friends system;

4 quattro 24/8000/200

10 x 25.6V lion batteries.

and many more devices like this..

I am using 2 19.5kW generators.

The problem is that 1 quattro max. Charging current limited to 160A.

1 generator running,

4 quattros charge a total of 640A/h.

When the 4 quattro 640a/h is charged, the AC consumption is 16.5kw.

and only 3kw left from a generator.

I want the quattro total charge current to be 400A with 1 generator running and 640A with 2 generators running. how can I do that?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

You should be able to do this with a Venus os device, wiht an input which tells the controller how many generators are running. This then needs some code to link the input to the dynamic current limit, which can then control the reserve power of the generator.

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aliemre07 avatar image
aliemre07 answered ·

The solution you mentioned is explained below.

I don't think I can solve my problem.

2.1 Dynamic current limiter

(default = disabled)

This feature is intended to reduce load impacts on low-power generators, such as portable inverter technology models. These generators may be unable to respond to sudden load impacts.

By activating the limiter, the PowerAssist® function of the MultiPlus will absorb the change in load and transfer it smoothly to the generator, giving it time to react.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @aliemre07

The easiest way to do this would probably be to invoke the Charge Current Control (Assistant) in the master Quattro. You'd need to wire in a low voltage signal to one of the Aux ports to signify when both gensets are on.

The literature (that I can find) doesn't explain it comprehensively, but if you just open it and have a play it should become apparent how it works. Or you could use the Fake Target thingy..

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