
Frederic Dumarey avatar image
Frederic Dumarey asked

Multiplus 12/1200 does not restart (once under 12V)

I have a Multiplus Compact 12/1200 with Smart LiFePo4 160Ah and a multi control panel. Combination is bought together and factory programmed. All runs well, until it shuts itself down because of low battery power (read with external multimeter and bluetooth 11.9V).

When feeding generator power, it does not do anything anymore. It doesn't help to toggle on or off on the BMS or on the control panel or the on/off on the device itself.

After removing the - terminal for a while (and putting it back) it is again possible to get it running.

Is this multiplus not capable of recovering from a low battery automatically or in a user friendly way?

As our grid supply failed, I finaly want to use the device for the reason I bought it, but I am suffering this issue.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Frederic Dumarey avatar image
Frederic Dumarey answered ·

Had the same issue again today. I did not manage to revive it by removing and restoring the - terminal. Tried to charge withe another charger above 12v. In the meanwhile, I lowered the minimum cell voltage via bluetooth and it revived! Seems the battery refuses to communicate to bms when low voltage. Quite stupid if charger can not charge if battery voltage is low and refuses to communicate. Afterwards, I set the min voltage per cell back to 2.80V and it keeps running.

Next cycle I try to find out if it revived because of secondary charging or the bluetooth lowering setting.

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Frederic Dumarey avatar image
Frederic Dumarey answered ·

Update of today.

yesterday, I lowered the min cell voltage to 2.60V and let it do its work. This morning, found the system dead again with an expected battery voltage of 10.4V. Put an external charger on it until 12V, did not see the system revive yet. After changing the cell voltage by bluetooth between 2.60V and 2.80V, the system revived again.

Because the min cell voltage could not be set lower than 2.60V, I still required an external charger to raise the battery voltage first. I will test with a min cell voltage on 2.80V; then I should have margin to go lower to 2.60V and expect to be able to revive it without an external charger.

I guess that the Victron could be programmed to have an inverter threshold higher than the battery threshold. So to stop loading before the minimum battery voltage is reached.

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