
gyuri911 avatar image
gyuri911 asked

Car battery charging

Hi, my car battery goes flat quite often, maybe due to dashcam, and I plan to have a 10-20w solar panel under the rear window. I don't want to plug unplug from the battery, and the starting current is probably high (3 liter diesel). Is there any solution for this?

battery charging
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3 Answers
pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

Any of the Solar Charge Controllers would work for this but even the smallest one is way overkill for a 20W panel!

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I've seen panels with integrated controllers specifically for this, plug into the lighter socket. Not sure when and it was a while ago. Worth trying, though.

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gyuri911 avatar image
gyuri911 answered ·

Thank you for the answers. Do I need to unplug before I start the engine?

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thatphilbrettguy avatar image thatphilbrettguy commented ·
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