
bashers avatar image
bashers asked

Shouldn't be running on the serial port on a raspberry pi3?

I need to POLL the venus OS for battery status into a solar assistant pi ( as its compatible with my inverter.
So i'm assuming I need to get this over, not the other way round which most posts seem to refer to.

To achieve this i need to use a serial to USB lead (or victron to usb cable) and connect FROM venus OS pi3 over serial and into solar assistant via USB

I've been following the thread where it mentions:

Serial console

A serial console with a root prompt is also provided on GPIO pins 6, 8 and 10. The pin out is available here. Remember that the serial port is 3.3V TTL and is not 5V tolerant.

You can use the Victron VE-Direct USB cable for this. Note that the VEDirect USB cable is galvanically isolated and must be powered from both ends. A 3.3V supply is available on pin 1 of the Raspberry Pi.

it mentions that the VE direct is running no the serial ports of the Pi.

So i've used a max3232 adaptor to get from 3.3 to5v and then knocked up adaptors and currently all i can see is the rasberry pi serial console.

Now ive read even deeper and this thread Raspberry Pi Connect to MPPT VE-Direct Over Serial - Victron Community ( says its not possible with my pi3!It seems i need to disable the serial console on the rpi3 and remap it

What is the current situation and can anyone explain how would i get out of a rpi3 ?

Is there any mileage in setting up the venus docker image?
I need to get battery status out of Simpbms in victron VE.Can language and then into solar assistant via serial to USBso i

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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Hi bashers, you don't need the serial console on the Pi when using the VEdirect / USB cables. These will appear as extra serial ports on the Pi when plugged in. (I'm running a Pi with 2 or sometimes 3 of these cables, and a Mk2). The ports appear as tty/USBx, whereas the built in com port that the serial console uses appears as tty/S0.

You can do your own thing and connect the built in port to the VEdirect source BUT it does need galvanic isolation - this is available in a chip (bit rare to find at the moment) which also takes care of the 3.3 / 5V issue.

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bashers avatar image
bashers answered ·

I'm sure that will work if i plug the USB end into the victron pi, but i need it the other way round.

I obviously cant do USB to USB, and solar assistant is closed source so i cant use the serial port, so my only option is to use the serial side of the victron pi.

As it is a more vanilla pi installl i thought it'd be easier to do

The wiki suggests its able, its just annoying that it wont.

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