
orca6 avatar image
orca6 asked

User Interface customization

Hi everbody

I would like to customize the User Interface of a GX Cerbo / Touch 70 so that I can replace / enhance the control panell of my RV (Niesmann & Bischoff Clou).

The User Interface should in particular allow for switching of/on the water pump in the RV without having to schroll through the menue. Same goes for the motor pre-heating via the heating system of the RV.

The Components consist of a MPTT Charger, Orion B2B charger, Smart Shunt, 4 Temperature Sensors and Multiplus. This is networked via a Cerbo GX and Touch 70.

In addition it would be very handy to read out some temeperatures (fridge, outside / inside temperature) and configure triggers / alarms in so far certain thersholds are met.

Reading here, I get the impression that the realisation of my "wishlist" should be feasible.

I would be gratefull for hints / advice of alike solution or a guide for "dummies" that eases a beginner (like me) to endevour a customized User Interface.

Best Regards


Venus OS
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1 Answer
pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

This guy has done some heavy customisation. Prob a good place to start:

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I did add a really overview that brings relay control to help make manual on/off control easier. Cerbo has two relays. The first can be programmed to turn on a pump based on a tank level. The other is manual on/off only.

Here is a link to my mods:

Cerbo has 4 temperature inputs and Victron sells a compatible temperature sensor or you can use LM335 IC. As far as I know, there are no triggers that can be linked to these. I don’t recall if there are any alarms but might be.

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pau1phi11ips avatar image pau1phi11ips Kevin Windrem commented ·

Adding temperature relay control is in development within the main Venus OS.

This guy got it working though:

I want to use it add control of some battery heaters to keep my LiFePO4 above 5°C.

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