
schuttesgonewalkabout avatar image
schuttesgonewalkabout asked

48/5000 MultiPlus MEN/Earth on shore power

We are installing a MultiPlus 2 into a truck camper

My sparky is concerned about how the MEN/ground switches within the Multiplus 2 when you connect to shore power.

As he describes it the MEN within the Multiplus needs to disconnect and use the shore power MEN/ground when connected to shore power. Does the MultiPlus do this automatically?

Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
dwmarine avatar image
dwmarine answered ·

yes it does, if connected inside the unit and programmed to do so.

All in the manual

2 |3000

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