
bluejeans avatar image
bluejeans asked

Raspberry Pi Screen Set up

I have Venus OS running on a RPi. I can see it in the VRM. I dismantled a lap top and have a screen set up. The connection to the screen is working. (See pic)

I can't find any documentation on what I need to enter at the pictured command prompt. Can someone help? 20211101-095556.jpg

Raspberry Pi
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1 Answer
jeroend avatar image
jeroend answered ·

You will need to rename the file headless

mv /etc/venus/headless /etc/venus/


and the screen should display the expected gui

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bluejeans avatar image bluejeans commented ·
I need baby steps, as i have never worked with a Pi. What do I do from the screen shot above to get to your program line?

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powerace avatar image powerace bluejeans commented ·
Maybe attach a keyboard first to the pi. When you are at the commandline like in picture above you Can start typing in the commands given by jeroend.

Please be aware that you need basic Linux knowledge to make any further changes to the system. So train yourself in the use of Linux commands, how to edit files, how to use ssh and maybe ftp. Generally people on these forums are willing to help a lot but on the other side you have to put in some effort yourself as well.

I hope you can get there!

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bluejeans avatar image bluejeans powerace commented ·
Effort is my middle name. But when you don't know, what you don't know, you don't know where to start with the effort. Thats why I am asking... I am trying to learn
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jeroend avatar image jeroend bluejeans commented ·

start typing the command on 1 line below:

mv /etc/venus/headless /etc/venus/

at the end hit the enter key

then type the command on 1 line below:


at the end hit the enter key again

You should now see the gui

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jeroend avatar image jeroend jeroend commented ·
@BlueJeans Did it work?
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bluejeans avatar image bluejeans jeroend commented ·
I got it working in perfect Victron graphical glory. My Raspberry Pi is reporting wired on a screen hacked from a laptop, along with wirelessly on cell phones, lap tops, and VRM. But I didn't get there from your reply. Although now, your reply makes sense from what I subsequently learned, and now understand. You see, there was effort put into the build. I just needed to understand where to start the effort. I had to go to an RV brand manufacturer Facebook page, of all places, to get someone to start from the 30ft level, not the 30,000ft level, that I got on all the various Victron pages that I found. What was too many hours, and across too many days, I could do in a few minutes now. But I am happy I struggled through, because I learned a lot. My sights are on bigger and better now. I might even need to translate some of the Victron/Pi geek, into RV owner speak, so its not so difficult for the next guy
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