
valden avatar image
valden asked

MultiPlus jumping from Charger Only to On

Hello all.

Our MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 has been acting strangely, lately. On several occasions, when we have connected shore power and used a Touch 50 display and Cerbo to switch the MultiPlus from Inverter Only to Charger Only, the MultiPlus has changed to Charger Only for a split second and then jumped to On. After it jumps to On, we switch it back to Charger Only and it stays there. Other than this new, intermittent problem, the whole system seems to be fine.

Are there any clues as to what might be going on with our MultiPlus? It’s product ID is 2600, with Firmware version 481. Yes, I know, this is not the latest firmware, but updating a MultiPlus is not easy. We don’t have a laptop. We have iPhone and iPad only.

Thank you.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

There is not much that can be done unless the cerbo is on the release latest fw 2.73 as this is easy to update - and then secondly the muliplus is on fw 489

thirdly you maybe having a wifi lag issue, so a direct connect via wifi to the cerbo with your ipad for testing or try direct cable from the cerbo to your internet router hardware and then try the apple gear direct cable to the router would also be recommended.

then if its still occurring some screen shots or video showing the issue would also be of help - but everything must be on the latest fw version, and you must also try direct cabling as well

I have not had or seen this issue on my systems

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valden avatar image valden commented ·
Hi Paul. Thanks for these thoughts. I’ve had good success with updating our Victron system components, by Bluetooth directly from the Victron app. Easy! Except for the MultiPlus, which hasn’t been equipped with Bluetooth, for reasons I am not familiar with. If someone knows of a way to update a MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 by iPad or iPhone, please tell. :-)
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