
pmikep avatar image
pmikep asked

Are Saved Settings suppsed to transfer to similar products?

I liked my first Multiplus so much, I bought a second. It is the same model as the first. And, AFAIK, the same hardware revision.

After unboxing it, the first order of business was to update the firmware.

And then I would have to customize its Settings.

"Hey!" I thought, "Why not save time and hassle by copying the Settings file from my first Multiplus to a thumb drive and restore that file to my second Multiplus?"

That should work, right?

Well, it didn't.

After updating the firmware on my second Mulitplus, I tried to import the Settings file from my first Multiplus.

My first Multiplus has the same firmware and I saved the Setting file under that firmware.

Again, it should work, correct?

But my second Multiplus gave me an "Error" that some setting wasn't compatible with my firmware. (Or words to that effect. I should try to become better at writing these things error messages down.)

Which meant that I had to drill through the list of Settings in my second Multiplus to set it up.

So my question: Should Settings files transfer to similar products? Or are Settings files tied to only the product from which they were saved from? (Perhaps tied by Serial Number.)

(I'm sorry if my Topic category is wrong. The forum software won't let me select Multiplus anymore. It says that the topic has been merged with "Mutliplus Quattro Inverter Charger.")

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I have found if you are using victron connect it does what you are describing. But using ve config I have profiles saves for quicker setup.

You can save battery profiles in connect (as well as ve config)

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pmikep avatar image pmikep commented ·

I have never tried using VE Config. (It seems like it is being deprecated in favor of Victron Connect, although I notice that it is the only way to connect two Multiplus's if you want split phase or dual single phase.)

However, your comment started me thinking more. I have two SmartSolar MPPT's. One has been in use for a half year now, and it started life with a more recent firmware than my older SmartSolar.

I noticed in the newer SmartSolar that, for LiFePO4 batteries, the setting for "Equalize" was grayed out. Whereas, in my older SmartSolar, it was not grayed out. Even though both MPPT's were set for LiFePO4, and even though both units have been updated to the same firmware.

So then I re-selected LiFePO4 for the battery type in my older SmartSolar. Viola! Suddenly the Equalize setting was grayed out!

So it appears that some internal settings change when new firmwares are released.

And so perhaps this is one reason why Saved Settings don't always import into like units.

Unfortunately, it seems that one must periodically start anew by re-selecting internal settings in order to see the new changes / benefits of a new firmware.

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