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DVCC questions

DVCC questions

I’m designing an external BMS for a Victron Smart Li battery. I’m incorporating a SmartSolar MPPT 100/50 for charging the battery, and a Cerbo GX to monitor that device and others. I know I can use a Cyrix Li to enable the BMS to disconnect the charger if necessary, but I’m reluctant to do that because it’s my understanding that disconnecting a battery from a charger, while it’s charging, can damage the charger. A better scenario would be to turn off the charger if required and I know that I can use the single VE.Direct connector with a VE.Direct non inverting remote on/off cable to do that, but then I am unable to connect the MPPT to a Cerbo GX.

So here are my two questions…

  1. Is the SmartSolar MPPT 100/50 “DVCC capable”? Can a Lynx Smart BMS (or a VE.Bus BMS) turn off the charging current of the MPPT 100/50 if both devices are connected to a Cerbo GX with DVCC enabled? The MPPT 100/50 manual makes no mention of DVCC that I can find, but the GX Device manual states that DVCC can be used to control VE.Direct MPPTs with firmware v1.46, or beyond.
  2. If this is possible, can I still use the Cerbo GX to monitor other VE.Direct devices that are connected to it? The GX manual states that “Enabling DVCC changes a GX device from a passive monitor into an active controller”. Is this an either or feature? If the GX device is changed into an active controller is it no longer able to monitor other devices as well”. I would think it would still have that capability, but would like confirmation.

Thank you

mppt charging
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2 Answers
markus avatar image
markus answered ·


1.) Is the SmartSolar MPPT 100/50 “DVCC capable”?

Yes. For this, the MPPT has to be connected to the CerboGX via it's interface.

2.) If this is possible, can I still use the Cerbo GX to monitor other VE.Direct devices that are connected to it?

Yes. This is still possible with DVCC enabled.

Best Regards.

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ako avatar image
ako answered ·

Can an old style Blue Solar MPPT , the one with an LCD screen and 4 buttons on the front and looks like the old box shape Multiplus read the Temperature from the Cerbo GX . The conection to the Cerbo is via the VE Can . I have that MPPT , a Cerbo and a Multiplus 1200 and hoped i could get away with just one Temperature sensor .

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

According to the manual,

  • Older style VE.Can MPPT Solar Chargers (with the screen) cannot be used: they do not support the new control mechanisms.

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