
Craig Myatt avatar image
Craig Myatt asked

Combining a non-victron inverter with a Victron Multiplus, in series

I wish to use a customer's current 2000W 24V inverter, as AC in, to a 24/1200 Multiplus. I know I can limit the AC input current, and possibly also via modbus alter the AC input current limit on-the-fly. Has anyone tried "piggy-backing" an inverter with a multiplus in series like this? Is it viable?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
eirik avatar image
eirik answered ·

If you look at this thread, I believe that the OP has done what you would like to achieve (long thread, but look at posts 3-6, etc.):

Note that he also has a master-slave connection logic between them. Not sure how this would be in your client's setup.

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Craig Myatt avatar image Craig Myatt commented ·

Thanks Eirik, that is indeed an identical setup, appears to have worked in that case. I have played with this setup a little bit, using an older style Victron 800VA phoenix inverter, feeding into the AC input of a newer 24/800 Multiplus, but when I tried to "powerassist" to run a 1.4KW microwave, I blew up the older victron inverter (or it stopped working). I later tweaked the AC input threshold, and added a virtual switch functionality (to delay AC input being switched on, until load gets to 700W), which seemed to work, but only tried with grid power input, not another inverter. In the new case of the 2000VA inverter, the max output is 6KVA, (I think it is Latronics), which means I can't see it being "blown up" this time, but wanted to be sure I wasn't doing something that would break the Multiplus. Thanks for your link.

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